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Who developed Brain Jewells?

Using kaleidoscopes created by Henry Bergeson, Leilani Raashida Henry is the Brain Jewells creator, Transformation Catalyst and a licensed Brain Gym Consultant. She’s held leadership positions with Fortune 500 compacts, founded a national theater group, and had a radio program for KNGU. As the founder of Being and Living Enterprises, Leilani helps individuals, and organizations conquer obstacles and advance their purpose and performance.

What are Brain Jewells?

On a very basic level, Brain Jewells are kalideoscopic images that are pretty and add color to your world.

What do Brain Jewells do?

Brain Jewells are kalideoscopic images that assist in identifying and removing blocks, mental, physical or otherwise, to help you move closer to your goals.

Why use Brain Jewells?

On a deeper level, Brain Jewells help remove blocks, energetic, emotional or otherwise, to help you move forward toward your goals.

Who are Brain Jewells for?

While Brain Jewells may be used by anyone, Brain Jewells can be used with other healing modalities, such as reiki or counseling, and therefore may be most effective for energy workers and therapists.

How do Brain Jewells work?

Research conducted by the Energy Medicine Research Institute, in Boulder CO, and and the GDV camera shows increased energy and alignment, chakras become more balanced and the subtle energy field increase while wearing a Brain Jewell Pendant.